Hours: 21 949 h
Gross weight: 17 044 kg
Lifting capacity: 12 000 kg
Lift height: 4 580 mm
Fuel: diesel
Hours: 4 827 h
Gross weight: 7 120 kg
Lifting capacity: 4 500 kg
Lift height: 5 000 mm
Hours: 8 833 h
Hours: 4 652 h
Hours: 3 093 h
Hours: 8 013 h
Hours: 2 600 h
Hours: 8 509 h
Hours: 20 494 h
Hours: 3 632 h
Fuel: LPG
Number of axles: 2-axle
Hours: 6 174 h
Lift height: 4 100 mm
Fuel: diesel
Power output: 46 hp
Number of axles: 2-axle
Hours: 9 718 h
Gross weight: 8 540 kg
Lifting capacity: 3 500 kg
Lift height: 5 300 mm
Fuel: LPG
Hours: 16 758 h
Gross weight: 1 438 kg
Lifting capacity: 1 500 kg
Lift height: 3 760 mm
Fuel: electro
Gross weight: 6 500 kg
Lifting capacity: 4 000 kg
Lift height: 3 650 mm
Fuel: diesel
Hours: 4 140 h
Gross weight: 3 700 kg
Lifting capacity: 2 225 kg
Lift height: 3 300 mm
Fuel: LPG
Hours: 3 309 h
Lift height: 5 000 mm
Fuel: diesel
Hours: 2 157 h
Gross weight: 4 360 kg
Lifting capacity: 3 000 kg
Lift height: 4 150 mm
Fuel: LPG
Hours: 10 205 h
Gross weight: 3 272 kg
Lifting capacity: 1 490 kg
Lift height: 4 800 mm
Fuel: LPG
Hours: 13 489 h
Net weight: 3 030 kg
Gross weight: 4 630 kg
Payload: 1 600 kg
Fuel: LPG
Power output: 45 hp
Hours: 29 138 h
Net weight: 4 710 kg
Gross weight: 7 590 kg
Payload: 2 880 kg
Fuel: LPG
Power output: 60 hp
Hours: 11 134 h
Lifting capacity: 2 500 kg
Lift height: 3 390 mm
Fuel: electro
Hours: 17 501 h
Lifting capacity: 2 500 kg
Fuel: electro
Hours: 16 226 h
Lifting capacity: 2 500 kg
Fuel: electro